
Showing posts with the label FACTS

هل تعرف ان كل ما تتوقعه سيتحقق

كل ما تتوقعه يحدث لذا توقع الأفضل و إحسن الظن كل ما تفكر فيه ينجذب أليك من نفس النوع قانون الجذب



Special People

Do you know the name of the World's tallest living human being?  His name is Sultan Kosen and he is the 8 feet 3 inches tall! It goes without saying that not only his clothes but also his shoes are Custom Made! Do you know that Elaine Davidson, has 4,225 piercing, Elaine is the most pierced person in the world. She ran a cafe in Edinburgh before she dedicated her life to piercings.  Not everyone does whacky things, some  people are special for doing regular ordinary jobs in the most extraordinary ways or age. Like Bette Calman. At 83, Bette is the oldest female yoga teacher.  Talking about whacky things, do you know that Andrew Dahl of USA inflated 23 balloons using only his nose in just three minutes?  well that's world records As we all know a bed is meant to be slept in, right? Not always! Mexico's Manuel Uribe, world's heaviest living man used it as his wedding seat! Manuel is so heavy that he is bed bound and h

How Many Muscles Used in ....

Extending the Arms uses 4 Muscles  Smiling takes 2 Muscles Frowning uses 42 Muscles   So, The next time someone irritates you, you know what to do, KEEP SMILING .

Do You Know What Represents The King In A Pack Of Cards

Do you know that each KING in a pack of a card represents a Great King in History??? Hearts : King Charlemagne Clubs : King Alexander, The Great Diamond : King Julius   Spades : King David

Raining Cats And Dogs

Do You Know Where This Expressions "Raining Cats 🐈 And Dogs 🐕" Comes From??? Back in old days, Houses in England had thatched roofs with no woods underneath. Since that was a place an animal could stay warm, all the pets of the house would go up there to rest when it rained, the roof got sippery and the pets - Generally Cats 🐈 And Dogs 🐕- Slipped from the roof!

Facts of Horse Statues

😲 Have You Noticed Any Statues of Men on Horses? 😲 Did you know that if one leg is in the air, the person died due to wounds received in battle.  Did you know that if the horse's front legs are in the air, the person died in battle . And finally If all four are on the ground , the person died of natural causes